The Best Jyotish Vedic Astrology Software for Mac and Windows

Jyotish Software with Readings, 2024 Standards, Hindu Astrology, Horoscopes

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New User Jyotish Studio Version 7.5   $375

Upgrade to Jyotish Studio Version 7.5       $275

Download the Program Here



I want v2.5 as well
No Problem. When you buy our software you gain access to our most current version, as well as Goravani Jyotish version 2.5. We do this because we figure that if you bought our software you deserve to be able to use it in the form that best suits you. Many people love and prefer the ease of use of the older v2.5. This is just something we have to live with. We made a great version and it is lasting through history. Unfortunately, for Mac users, v2.5 runs only on Windows. We have various download locations on this website but why not offer another. You can download the latest version for Windows here, the latest version for Macintosh here and you can download v2.5 for Windows here.
Is this product mature and supported?
We started this company in 1993, and it has been running strong ever since. So the software is over 25 years old, and therefore is heavily debugged and mature.. it has been through the testing of thousands of users, their feedback providing valuable insight into what is to be done in the software with each release. The software is supported via email and the turnaround time is fast. We are on our email fervently. When customers need help we are right there with them. The programmer himself does most of the email tech support and answering of sales questions so you are provided with a high level of intelligence when you correspond with us. The product is both mature and well supported. When the customer requires it, our answers include screen shots to help the user out of whatever situation they are in. We do not spare the help when help is needed. We answer fully and vigorously so that the situation is resolved. We're quite sure our customers would give us five stars for our service. We know that because of how diligently we dive upon answering anything that comes our way. We are ALIVE! and awake and READY!
How easy is it to install and use?
Jyotish Studio Vedic Astrology Software and Goravani Jyotish, our older version, both come with brain dead easy installers that install the software automatically with just one click. You run the installer, it runs itself, there are almost no questions that it asks, it just installs the software quickly, automatically. Then it runs the software so you can activate right away. Activation is just an email to us and then you get one back with the code in it. On the Macintosh installation is the standard, usual drag and drop of one icon onto the Applications folder icon on the installer window… so easy a child could do it.. As far as ease of use, well we design the software to be easy to use, and it is. One of our user references says that he was able to find everything within an hour. Another says he mastered the software within a day. It's easy to use, there is nothing hidden or convoluted, everything is either directly on a visible menu or on an easy to navigate pallet of choices. Printouts are just two clicks away each.. one click for the printouts window, another click on the particular one you want. Everything is like that.. a menu choice, a pallet click, or a button click. There's nothing hidden. If you can click, right click, scroll, then you can find everything and it is right where it should be. Ease of use is paramount in our work, we take it very seriously.
Does it come in other languages?
Unfortunately English is the only language that our software comes in at this time. Offering it in other languages is a major undertaking that is not begun at this time. It is on our dream wish list of features to add. The task is so huge as to be daunting. It is possible, it's not impossible, it's just that it's financially and work wise such a huge task that it's daunting. We are very sorry this is the case, but it is the reality of the world. Language requires going through literally every cranny of the software and installing a new system of handling text strings.. and then the readings need to be translated, and that is like translating a huge book, as our database of readings is huge. The level of sales do not make it possible to afford to pay for these services from others. It would have to be a labor of love, and truthfully nobody wants to translate a huge book for nothing, for no pay. And that's only the readings. So you see, it's a major undertaking that is out of reach. The good news is that learning English is almost always an advantageous thing to do in todays world.
Can I install it on more than one computer?
Yes, you can install our software on more than one computer, no problem, provided they are YOUR computers that you use yourself. A separate person should buy it for themselves. Do not use the multi computer license that we offer as a way to bootleg the software for other users. This does not include family members. We do not expect one household to have to buy multiple copies. On the other hand, non related persons who live with you should buy their own copy. It's a matter of seeing that separated users should buy their own copies. When it comes to those who own both Macintosh and Windows computers, it is fine to download both and request multiple activation codes, that is fine, we honor cross platform users. The most common use of all this is that person who owns a desktop computer and a laptop computer and wants it on both. If a user has a spouse or child who also wants it, that is fine to activate with the one purchase. We are good, trust in our goodness and don't abuse our goodness. That's the license.
Is there a guarantee?
At Goravani, goodness is our guide, so of course there is a guarantee. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee of satisfaction, no questions asked. We never get asked to do this by anyone, as our software is pleasing and satisfying. The readings make people go crazy with joy usually, as they are very right on and well written because we spent time and money editing them for modern times and modern English as opposed to what some others have done which is put in readings straight out of classical Indian books, where the English is Victorian and the concepts often very old world, out of date, don't apply as written. Unless you edit such stock, it is not that user friendly, so we have edited everything. This makes for satisfaction for our users. Between the ease of use, and the satisfactory way our program provides readings and output, our users are satisfied from the start. Nevertheless, we stand ready to refund anyone who is unhappy with the product after purchasing it. The fully amount, and no questions asked. So far nobody has abused us in this regard, which is a track record of goodness for both us and our clients. Things shine in the world of Goravani.. the product shines, and the people on both sides shine. It's a happy program with happy users. If there is a problem, we are on it like diligent agents until the situation is resolved, which is one reason our users are happy users.. they are supported. So buy with confidence that in all respects you are insured and covered.

Gorgeous Chart WindowsJupiter

Colorize Things However You Desire - Click the Button to see!



See the program in detail via many screenshots on various subjects



See the program in action in Training Videos available here and on YouTube

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Transits Spin
  • Transits Spin by Das Goravani
  • Transits Spin by Das Goravani
  • Transits Spin by Das Goravani

References from users

These are just a sampling of the many kind letters we have received from our users.

User References

Since I have purchased (multiple) programs, I think I may be able to answer this question...I would recommend first to buyers to buy Goravani's program. It is a MUCH finer product--clearly a labor of love--intuitive and wide reaching in its scope. - SF

I looked at different jyotish programs online. I like Goravani Jyotish because it is very user-friendly but one of the features is head and shoulders above the rest and it is the Transit wheel. I love it.

I’m convinced that this is the best Vedic software ever I have seen. - HS

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how impressed I am with Goravani Jyotish software. The amount and detail of the yogas is incredible. The way you've programmed the software to call the various yogas from the planets is great for a beginner. I can click on a planet and instantly see the yogas and the significance of the placement. From the same screen I can click on another chart type (Rasi, Chandra Lagna etc..) and see the planet readings for placements in that type of chart. It is so easy, fast, and thorough. The advanced dasha techniques are enough to keep you busy learning for years. Most impressive to me is that I had a $180 reading done by one of the countries preeminent Vedic astrologers who has written several books on the topic and his reading PALED in comparison to your program. I could have told him more about myself from Goravani Jyotish than he told me and I just got into astrology several weeks ago! Great work! - MX

Features List A-Z

Features List A-Z

3 ring overlay wheel
Add Readings, export readings, edit and reimport
Affordable, Optional Upgrades
All data output feature
Almost fully functional Demo
Art Charts-Beautiful charts backed by pictures, can add more
Ashtaka Varga-Parashara or Varahamihira
Aspects Table
Asteroids - 5 main Sidereal and Tropical
Atlas Complete International with all time changes, DST
Atlas-all US Hospitals Included
Attributes List-all placements a chart has
Avasta Summaries
Avastas Table
Ayanamsas-Standard & Configurable
Ayanamsas: Lahiri, Raman, Yukteswar, Krishnamurti, User Defined, Tropical
Beautiful full color chart printouts
Beautiful, User Friendly Windows
Benefics, Malefics and Neutrals Grid per ascendant
Bhava Bala
Bhava Chart Systems: Equal, Sripati, Placidus (KP Style)
Bhava Sandhis/Madhyas Proximities to with graph
Built in text processing window, many features output to
Chandra Vela, Vasta, Kriya
Chara Dasha
Chart Overlay Wheel
Chart Searching: Can search for charts by placements
Chart Storage Categories: User can define unlimited Classifications
Chart Styles: Southern, Northern, Yantra, Wheel, Tropical
Chart Types: Rasi, Vargas, Sripati Bhava, Equal Bhava, Placidus Bhava
Charts Included: 3,200 Famous People and 1,000 cities and countries
Classical and Newer Vedic Techniques

The following are optional art chart backgrounds you can choose from in Jyotish Studio

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Stacks Image 1968
Stacks Image 1970
Stacks Image 1972

Jyotish Studio 5.1
Vedic Astrology Software
Runs on Windows 64 bit versions
And Windows 10
And Mac OSX, Mojave, Catalina
And older MacOSX versions
It is feature Rich
Friendly Interface, 3D
Easy to Learn and Use
Natal and transit Readings
Awesome Transits Window
All options you expect are there
All the main features of Parashara Astrology


It's Just Right


What is Jyotish?

Jyotish, also known as Vedic or Hindu Astrology, is that science wherein the planetary positions at the time of birth are studied, along with certain angles of the Zodiac, to determine qualities and characteristics of the person or thing that took birth at that specific time and location.

Jyotish is a Sanskrit (Ancient India) word that means "The Science of Light", which refers to the planets as light reflective bodies in space. It may very well be more based on Gravity than on light. The gravity of the planets pull on each other perturbing their orbits, which shows the force of gravity on things.

Books on Jyotish are as old as 3,000 years. There are many ancient books on Jyotish written by Indians and Greeks as well as others. There are two main systems of Astrology on Earth, the Indian and the Greek. The Greek uses the Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic uses the Sidereal Zodiac. The two zodiacs are different at this time by a distance of 24 degrees.

There are 12 signs in the Zodiac, and 27 fixed stars that are taken into consideration in Jyotish. The 27 stars are like the signs in that they are each of the same length, 13 degrees 20 minutes, and govern certain qualities and characteristics. Together these are what is read as the backdrop to the moving planets. The planets are always 'located within' the range of a certain sign and certain star, and the combination of planet with sign and star give rise to the readings or interpretations that are the final product of Astrology.

What is Jyotish Studio?

Jyotish Studio is a modern computer program that runs on Macintosh and Windows computers, that does Jyotish or Vedic Astrological Calculations, produces charts of the planets at the time of a birth, and outputs interpretations or readings based on those charts. Besides charts it includes many other techniques found in the classical and modern books on Jyotish. Jyotish Studio is used by astrologers and students of astrology worldwide to do the difficult calculations of planetary positions, charts, and other techniques of Jyotish. This website is devoted to exposing and selling Jyotish Studio to the world. Here you can learn about, purchase, and download the Jyotish Studio software program.

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